Measurements are approximately only.
Ceramic tiled floors.
Overall 20.43' x 26.97'
Capacity for 56 covers (approx.)
(disabled compliant).
15.44' x 10.11'
10.32' x 7.94'
10.18 x 4.76
LPG boiler
10.10' x 18.7'
7.43' x 10.10'
These are generally owned by the Lessee. Full details from R K Lucas & Son.
£275,000 for the freehold investment.
We understand that the Lease is for an unexpired term of 17 years at a current rental of £15,500 per annum. and upon a tenant's full repairing and insuring basis (subject to a Schedule of Condition). A copy of the Lease is available to bona fide purchasers from the Haverfordwest offices of R K Lucas & Son, upon request.
The price, quoted is exclusive of VAT (where applicable).
None of these has been tested by the agents.
We understand from the Valuation Office website that the Rateable Value is £9,300 ( 49.3p rates payable in the £).
Each party to bear its own legal costs and charges.
This is available at the Haverfordwest office of R K Lucas & Son
LPG Gas Tank.
There is a grassed area, accessed via the patio doors at the rear, with picnic area.
There is a further area of land immediately to the south of the building which is included in the sale.
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